sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

Reunión en Londres

El jueves asistí a una importante reunión en Londres invitada por el grupo de investigación con el que colaboro en la Universidad de Cambridge. Me permitió, entre otras cosas, intercambiar ideas e impresiones con personas del más alto nivel en este campo de conocimiento. Sin duda, un día para recordar. 

Un día para hablar, como quien no quiere con la cosa, con Paul Fisher, por ejemplo...

Dr Fisher is the Bank of England’s former Executive Director for Supervisory Risk and Regulatory Operations as well as the former Deputy Head of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).

Dr Paul Fisher has been appointed as Vice Chair of the Banking Environment Initiative (BEI). He will advise the BEI in its current growth phase, and will thus help the platform to be effective in managing an increasing portfolio of activities. He brings to the role a broad and deep knowledge of financial regulation and monetary policy as well as climate change and its impacts on the financial system. 

Dr Fisher is the Bank of England’s former Executive Director for Supervisory Risk and Regulatory Operations as well as the former Deputy Head of the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA). Recently he has been appointed as a Senior Associate at the University of Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) and represents CISL at the European Commission’s High-Level Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. Outside of CISL, Dr Fisher is the Chairman of the London Bullion Market Association as well as the Chair of the Board of Trustees at the London Institute of Banking and Finance.

Para asistir a la reunión en Londres, que comenzaba a las ocho y cuarto, cogí un tren que salía de Cambridge a las seis y cuarto. Me levanté a las cinco de la mañana y, para mi sorpresa, ya había amanecido. 

En la estación de metro de Londres, cercana al evento....

El barquito velero que me encontré a primera hora de la mañana....

Vistas impresionantes desde la novena planta del edificio, donde tuvo lugar la reunión de trabajo.